Recommended Resources

Bible Websites

Bible Gateway

Blue Letter Bible (YouVersion)

ESV Online

Bible Study Tools


Recommended Translations

There is a spectrum of translations available ranging from those that are more word-for-word to those that are more thought-for-thought.  The following are good translations to use, generally arranged from most to least word-for-word:

  • New American Standard Bible (NASB)
  • English Standard Version (ESV)
  • New English Translation (NET)
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
  • New Living Translation (NLT)


Recommended Study Bibles

A study Bible may come in different translations, so be sure to get the translation you prefer if that is the case.  The following are some study Bibles we recommend:

  • Reformation Study Bible
  • MacArthur Study Bible
  • ESV Study Bible
  • HCSB Study Bible
  • Apologetics Study Bible (HCSB)
  • NASB Study Bible
  • NLT Study Bible and/or NLT Life Application Study Bible

More…  Listen to hundreds of thousands of sermons from conservative churches worldwide  24-hour Internet Radio committed to the historic Christian Faith. You’ll hear preaching, teaching, scripture, news, music and audio books. You can listen online or get the app.

Expositor.FM 24-hour Christian internet radio station featuring the biblical preaching and teaching a many faithful pastors including Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Steven Lawson, Donald Barnhouse, James Montgomery Boice.

Grace to You  The radio and resource ministry of Dr. John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church (Sun Valley, CA)

Truth for Life  The Bible teaching ministry of Alistair Begg

Ligonier Ministries  The teaching fellowship of R. C. Sproul

SBTS Chapel Resources  Video and audio sermons from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, KY)

Evangelism & Apologetics

Christian Research Institute
The apologetics ministry of Hank Hanegraaff: radio broadcast, written resources, and more

Living Waters
The Way of the Master store where you can purchase lots of evangelism materials (training resources, tracts, etc.)

Blogs & Websites

The Gospel Coalition 
An excellent website with gospel-centered resources, sermons, and blogs from leaders and scholars across denominational lines

9Marks Ministries
A ministry to equip churches with a biblical vision and practical resources for displaying God’s glory to the nations through healthy churches
Blogs, sermons, news, and more from Dr. Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Thom Rainer
Blogs, podcast, and other resources from Dr. Thom Rainer

The Narrow Road
The blog of Shane Kastler, a former pastor of FCC

Sovereign Grace Music
They have some doctrinally sound, theocentric, gospel-proclaiming songs that are musically good (plus lots of free music resources!)


Justin and Amy Culp
A missionary family we support doing church planting and discipleship among the Lopit people in South Sudan


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